
Lol, poor Emily....

18 Apr, 2024

Poor Emily was so upset about my previous blog she paid to have it removed, lol. The blog was about her comment on lyla, you'll find it here ( I was mocking Emily Rushton for kissing her minions ( Sara Alexx) ass. Emily tagged Sara in that thread, to tell her how grateful she is for all Sara had done for her, ( copying and pasting my blog, etc) and how beautiful Emily thought Sara was, (big eye roll) lol. In Emily's comment, she also expressed "how the **dam** covid had kept her away from Halifax", from meeting her minion in person. I mocked her again for her spelling "Damn" as "Dam"....because not only is Emily known for using people, as she is clearly doing with Sara.... she is also known for her consistent comments about people being "Stupid" or for not being as bright as she is. Yet our dear Emily ( I say facetiously), couldn't differentiate between a "Dam", a structure that holds back water, and "Damn", the curse word, lol....

And what had started all this, was a blog I had written expressing how I felt about Emily Rushton, due to my experiences with her on lyla, explained in this blog ( and that blog had apparently incensed Emily, so as retribution, she had her minion, Sara Alexx, copy and paste it onto lyla, shown in this blog ( Yes, Emily Rushton, who today had my blog removed for copy and pasting, felt fine with her minion doing the very thing to me that she complained to my website host about, lol....Her hypocrisy knows no bounds!! Apparently Emily Rushton and any of her Minions, can copy and paste, but when you do the same thing to her, she cries!!! And isn't it nice that the owners and mods of Lyla take part in all this high school drama by allowing those two to host all their drama on their site.....says a lot about the principles that site holds.....

Clearly SaraAlexx is to daft to realize that she is a puppet in the Emily Rushton show, as Emily pulls her strings, she dances to her tune, for now...... lol. I say for now, because as Emily is known for doing, if Sara doesn't dance correctly, Sara will be another escort Emily will "take down". "Take down", is Emily's expression for the vindictive acts she'll put upon those who do things she doesn't approve of, or who won't kiss her heavily air brushed ass. And Emily will recruit clients and escorts alike to carry out those acts.....I can assume I'm on that take down list, LOL!! Post pandemic, when Emily returns to Halifax, to personally meet/thank her minion, I wonder if they'll invite me to their tea party....wouldn't that be fun......oh the webs some