

19 Jan, 2025

This topic was brought up again in light of the tragic death of a young escort in Quebec...

I stand steadfast in my opinion, that we all should screen. It makes us all safer, client and escort alike. I am also aware that screening isn't fool proof. Even so, it is better too than not. Those with an agenda, those with ill intentions and those with a criminal history often have the knowledge and ability to circumvent and manuever their way into an escorts schedule, whether she has screened that person or not. But a certain few shouldn't discourage anyone from screening....

I brought the topic of screening up in a thread on twitter some time ago, and in that thread I was shown support and I was also chastised by a few. It is clearly a contoversial subject. One escort in particular asked her followers to unfollow her, if they felt as I did about screening....and this escort was one who holds herself as one who "helps" and "supports" fellow escorts. Her claim was that many escorts, those escorts who are considered "survival escorts", meaning those who have to take risks because of their situations, are not as "privilged" as the rest of us who are able to screen. So how dare I be so unsympathetic and demand that we all screen!! Well, my thoughts are different #1 I'm not going to claim to be a supportive person then want someone disliked and not supported, simply because they see differently than I. It is quite hypocritical to want to be supportive to one type of escort, then deride another for what you perceive as being a different type....... and, we can't take a stand against "bad clients" if we don't all set specific boudaries. And one significant boundary,imo is screening. This industry often sets precedents and boudaries. One example being, BBFS as being a big NONO....yet.... who do you see defending those who might have to offer this because they "need" that client, you know.... the client who demands BBFS, that client who is willing to pay that extra money that the "survival escort"requires that day or month to pay her bills.. Who do you see....... NO ONE..... You never hear of any escort being supportive towards those who provide BBFS...and why not? Because we know it's wrong, we know it risks health and safety and we know it causes issues for other escorts and clients. My point...if we are going to deride those of us who take a stand for wanting certain practices, practiced, to keep all of us safe, then lets at least be equal opportunity deriders, or supporters. Lets also continue  saying "we all do things differently", and extend that expression and understanding to those BBFS providers,  too shall we.....( and no I am not for BBFS, it is a dangerous act) I'm just frustrated at some of the double standards and hypocrisy that is rife in this biz and which is spit out by many. I do however support those who treat one another fairly, reasonably, without bias and who are supportive not just to those who think as they do, but too those also who don't. 

If I were working in a jewerly store and my salary didn't cover my bills, should I be excused for marking up a watch and allowing a customer to buy that watch at a higher price while I pocket the difference or should I be expected to seek help, get another job, or work two if I have to.....My point.....Escorting is a business. One in which some make it and some don't. As some do or don't in other businesses. Because you can't make it shouldn't mean you set the precedent nor that those who are making it should suffer because you can't.....and yes this business is different , in that it allows it's owners to run their biz as they see fit, and too set their own rules and boundaries.... but as we all know, doing so has a causal and effect....example-if some don't screen, that produces clients that expect NO screening. Those clients then reach out to escorts who insist on screening, and some of those escorts who post  about the ill effects of NOT screening.......... My point.... What one escort does, gradually affects another, and another......whether we want it to or not. If you are an escort who can't gather enough clients to support yourselfand or your lifestyle, then you have to either find another  job that can, or seek help....and  saying that isn't being crass, unfeeling, or not's being realistic and truthful. I've been poor, I've had years of rough days....don't anyone dare tell me I don't understand any aspect of this profession....I've expereicned most of what can be experienced.....and then some..... and I've learned to screen and I'm better for it and I believe so is everyone else.....