

20 Oct, 2024

It's an interesting sounding word, with a rather sad meaning....something many escorts have experienced. As soon as some find out a person is escorting, they'll more often than not, ostracize that person. One day you could be the best friend, neighbor, or citizen, but as soon as it becomes known that you're an escort, all that goes out the window......Funny how society works. An escort could be the kindest, most trustworthy of people, yet because they've chosen to accept payment for intimacy, somehow in the minds of some, this makes them unworthy of being included in their circle of friends, or job, neighborhood, etc, etc. Funny how skewed peoples perception of personalities can become when the topic of sex arises....

Oh how stupidly we judge one another. How misunderstood so many of us are. Yet the commonalities among us are all so very common. We all want to be loved, appreciated, accepted, admired, to feel safe,  to be comfortable.... and not judged...So why do we judge then....why is the first question someone asks when meeting someone new, "so what do you do"'s a judgement...a way of separating and catagorizing one another. It's a way of  determining who you deem worthy of your attention. But how can knowing what someone does determine anything about them other than what they do? A person's title, or occupation certainly doesn't tell anyone that the person is of good character, or safe to be around, or a nice this I can attest....I've been hit on and or been treated inappropriately by doctors, whilst in their care, by a lawyer, whilst seeking his services, by police whilst needing their employers whilst working....yes, I've lots of experiences that  prove people with lots of education, power, $$$, fame, etc, can be the lowest forms of before you write someone off because you think their position/job/occuaption isn't worthy,  or acceptable to you, take some time to know their character. Change your perspective on how you judge people. You might be surprised.......