
My diet...

20 Oct, 2024

Some of you know how much I love to eat, and that I eat lots of good and bad food. I go on binges....When I'm on my healthy eating binges I shop for the best food, usually organic fruits, veggies, wild caught fish, etc.....I've been doing a lot fo reading on fish/seafood and came upon this article, from Quora digest, which I had forgotten I was a member of, lol. Anyhow, this article has lots of interesting comments about the fish Talapia, and how some other fish are farmed. If you're interested, have a read.... 

From previous articles I've read, I have learned that many frozen fish, including Salmon, are to be avoided if they're farmed in Asia, particularly China. Do your research as there are to many reasons to list why I suggest avoiding.....If I aim to eat healthy I will no longer buy any seafood that has been farmed/fished or packaged, from any parts of Asia.......