

The games people play....

19 Jan, 2025

On Thursday March 18, I was having a back and forth on twitter with another escort. This person is a fervent supporter of lyla, and in a tweet made a comment about how not having to advertise on leoslist had brought her some peace. I read that as another lyla member once again bashing I took offense to that tweet as there are a few lyla members, Waterat being a constant one, who frequently bashes leoslist and those who advertise on it, and in turn sings lyla praises.....The hypocrisy in this is that they are the same companies...owned by the same people..... Some how these people seem to believe if you join and advertise on lyla, you become washed of all your sins, lol, and a better class of escort/client....and when you join lyla it makes you trustworthy, so they claim, lol!!!....In this twitter exchange I tried to point out how hypocritical and annoying it was, seeing these same people bash leoslist over and over again and then some of those same people get upset when I talk about how distructive and awful I think lyla was and is to our industry. I was told I continually slandered lyla. Apparently they think it's okay for them to speak negatively about a site they find problematic, yet if I or anyone does the same to their beloved lyla, it becomes "slander"....... Hmmm, slander? I thought something can only be considered slander when it is a lie. Anything I've spoken about I've experienced, so it certainly isn't slander. But I suppose any of us becomes defensive and protective of those things that benefit us, regardless of the harm they've done to in this case. Those who defend the review board Lyla, do well by it and have no regard for it's past and present indiscretions, nor do they seem to care how it negatively affects the escort industry today. They are blind to any of it.......

Anyhow, another person became involved in our argument and suggested I reach out to join Lyla, lol...imagine me joining a review board........The interesting part of all of this is a day after all this foolishness happened I received a text from someone claiming to be lydiahardwood..(Lyla's admininstrator)...(I've included the text here, and note it's a Vancouver number) but was it really lydia texting me?.....I replied to the text and that reply remains who do you think **actually** text me, lol..........oh the games people play.....