
And so I've learned.....

28 Apr, 2024

I'm grateful to those gentlemen who decide to spend their time with me and I do my very best to make each client I see a happy and satisfied one. Those who return for repeat visits, I cherish.....So if one of them requests something I don't generally offer, I'll consider, as my clients happiness trumps least it did.....

So the other day I indulged the whims of a client I have seen before. He's a great client so I wanted to make him happy. His request was a common one, shower sex., so we suds up, lol.... He enjoyed it, so he said, I on the other hand, did not!. It was awkward, slipping and sliding every where, and I honestly don't understand the attraction to it. Penetration doesn't feel as good because it's so wet, and I dislike getting my hair soaked.....

 To each their own, but after that session, I realized, my comfort level must trump my clients. If I'm going to continue to advertise my services as being authentic...I can't be at my best while pretending to enjoy something I truly don't enjoy. That just makes me an actress, not an authentic provider, and I pride myself for my authenticity. I believe that sets me apart. 

 I enjoy offering the services I offer and those differ from client to client. When I'm given the opportunity to allow those services to shine, I'm a true GFE, pertaining that the client is clean and fresh smelling.....I play off of our chemistry, compatibility and my intuitiveness.....Your energy can tell me lots...

 The services I don't enjoy and won't consider now are....., feet worship/ foot fetishes, receiving spankings, anal sex (only tried it once, and not interested in trying it again), golden showers, domination, and, lol, obvioulsly, shower play.

 Services I do enjoy, kissing (prefer light kissing to dfk), bj's (lovvvvve giving those)...covered, and occasionally uncovered for those special gents), massage ( I am told I'm one of the best), sex (favorite sex positions -doggy and missionary), edging( I love getting you rock hard and ready to bust, then slowing down, and taking you to the edge again.)...., titty play, (as some know, I love having my nips sucked), rimming(receiving), fingering(only with those who have very clean, trimmed nails), msog, dirty talk (I'm one of the best), bondage, role play, toy play, prostate massage, and dildo play. 

 My favorite dates are dinner dates and those dates that are longer, 3 hours plus. It's those types of dates on which I can feel the most relaxed, amorous and titillated. It's on these dates where we can let our guards down, take our time, and enjoy each other completely without the worry of our time running out to quickly. There is nothing more erotic, imo, than sharing delicious food, drink, along with sexual activites....As a sapiosexual woman, I derive as much, if not more pleasure, from being mentally stimulated, as I do from clitoral stimulation....  

So lesson learned...... As much as I want and enjoy making my clients fantasies a reality, and satisfying their desires. In order for me to be at my best, those fantasies, and desires must also align with my own.....I suppose I already knew this!