

Being a loner isn't so bad....

19 Jan, 2025

I suppose my lifestyle choice of being an independent and solitary person has given me some skills to survive better than others, in times such as these. I enjoy keeping my own company. Life has taught me many lessons and those lessons continue to justify and support my decsion to live as I do...the incident I speak of below is just another example ......

A few days ago someone who has, thru social media, often sent me supportive sentiments. So when I saw her name being slandered online I felt  it was important for me to be as supportive and too publish some supportive words defending her. Not mins after doing so, I started receiving texts from obviously, the very person slandering her....there were 7 texts in total, one I've included here. I reached out to the person being slandered, and requested she call me. She never did. She did reach out online, and I gave her the texts and she apologized and that was that....No follow up, no anything....but maybe that is best. I should have never stuck my nose in someone elses drama. This is my final lesson. Never again will I be openly supportive towards anyone. I've just had far to many years of experiences where ladies in this industry do malicious things to one another, gossip, lie, pander to clients at the detriment of another lady, etc, etc, etc, ect, all in the name of a few $$$.( and I'm not inferring that this is what happened between these ladies. I don't know what happened between them, nor do I want to ) And when I've stepped in to try and dimish or squash said drama, it always backfires, and I end up suffering or looking like the bad one......

 Time after time, example after example, has taught me that most ladies and many clients, in this industry, will do whatever it takes to get whatever it is they want or need. Emphasis on want!! I've learned that openly admitting that I enjoy escorting  can make me a target from those who don't I've learned that being an authentic, honest, kind person will also make me a target. There are far to many ladies advertising that they love sex, love entertaining men, love escorting, and then admitt to hating it offline..There are far to many clients that see escorts, and hate the fact that they do....... there are far to many in this biz for the wrong reasons and it is episodes like the one I speak about in this blog, that proves this. Escorting is not an easy or fast way to make takes creativity, patience, smarts, time, and more patience, more time, sacrifices, self care, more patience .....if you hate it, if you even dislike it, that will show and if it doesn't show in your interactions with clients, it'll show in other ways.......seeing escorts also takes a maturity and discipline that often is remiss in many who patronize us...It's time some in this industry were honest with themselves....

There have been many stories told about me  over the years and often perpetuated by those who've never met me, and some told  because I refuse to interact with other ladies, or go to get togethers, meet ups, or other industry events. Some told because I don't back down from online bullies,and because I don't put up with hypocrisy or bias. Because I don't follow the behavior escort boards like to perpetuate as the "norm", nor do I cowtow to their members Some interpret this as me being jealous, not friendly, having something to hide.....(so I've been told) But my reasons are.......To many escorts are perverted by money, meaning, they'll literally do anything to anyone to make some... to many see another woman as competiton and not a possible friend, to many will pretend to be friendly, all while compiling evidence to use against you at a later date. Some just cannot be trusted. The boards, are run by either retired/active escorts/clients, with bones to pick, points to be made and agendas to be pushed. They're cess pools of foolishness and fakery.and some of their members who are escort clients who have agendas beyond just seeing escorts  for what they offer...... So...I keep my own company and take every precaution when accepting new clients. I'll continue to support ladies on my twitter feed by making their ads visible, and if asked, will reco those I feel would be safe to meet.....but nothing beyond that........I tired of meeting or interacting with those who have hidden agendas, bones to pick, and those who aren't who they portray themselves to be. Whatever happened to people wanting to be helpful to one another, to lift each other up and to see each other succeed......